Topic of reliability

Quality management
We are not yet certified, but we consciously act in accordance with DIN ISO9001. All of our processes are of course standardized and documented.
We also adhere to DIN ISO14001 out of conviction. Sustainable use of resources and the use of self-produced electricity are just two examples.

We don't promise anything we can't keep!


We usually respond to inquiries by email within one day if we have the required materials in stock.
If we have to request raw materials from suppliers, you will receive your written offer within three days.

We respond to orders as promptly as we respond to inquiries, and you will always receive an order confirmation by email.
If you do not receive this within two days, then your order has either not reached us or the confirmation has been lost electronically. This is very rare, but please do not hesitate to contact us immediately.

Delivery dates are there to be met.
We plan our work processes conservatively and only confirm dates that can actually be met.
Of course, we cannot hide the fact that we are also dependent on suppliers who, in exceptional cases, do not deliver on time due to external influences.
In such an extremely rare case you will be informed immediately of an impending delay in delivery on our part.

You will receive invoices by email at the same time as the shipping notification of the ordered goods.

Sales prices are always recalculated for inquiries and orders without a quote.
In contrast to easily calculable labor costs, the highly volatile prices in the raw materials market force us to adjust item prices during the year and depending on when the materials are purchased.

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